Hackers Attack. How to protect yourself, your website and your infrastructure.

Hackers are not only targeting your email accounts; They’re also trying to hack your website to sell your private information on the dark web or ruin your brand.

How We Manage Website and Web Server Security

The WDM vulnerability testing tools available can help ensure that the security of your website is never compromised. This includes not only ensuring that it is protected against cyber attacks but also detecting vulnerabilities in its code or software that might allow hackers to take control of your site leading to the need to hot fixes or upgrades.

When it comes to cyber security, constant web server monitoring also plays a key role in ensuring the safety of your website. WDM can provide you a few reasons as to why you should monitor your server frequently for vulnerabilities software updates, as well as some helpful resources on staff trsining around hacking methods.

Why You Should Load Test Your Website Before Launching

If you are building a website or application, it is imperative that you do load testing before launching. Load testing allows you to identify any problems in your site's response time and provides useful information on how well your site will work for visitors.


5 Ways How to Keep Your Website & Servers Updated and Patched


1. Use WDM web application penetration testing. It is not about the technology. It is about finding the weakest link in the chain and then stopping hackers exploiting it.

2. WDM and your web application security team needs to be able to work quickly to identify and fix vulnerabilities before attackers exploit them.

3. A website can't be hacked overnight. That is why you need to conduct vulnerability scans on a regular basis.

4. Use the Australian Cyber Security Centre's free training for your staff, WDM vulnerability and penetration testing service for small businesses, Govement, Corporations and web server infrastructure to reduce the risk of a cycber security incident.

5. Contact WDM now or chat withn us online for your cycber security requirements or call us toll free on 1300 308 210. 

The ultimate way to protect your online business

To reduce the change of having your website or app attacked the following products have been developed by WDM.
  • Regular Vulnerability Testing
  • Load Testing
  • Uptime Monitoring with SSL expire notifications
  • Penetration Testing to find the gaps
  • 24/7 Support if you were to be breached
  • Hosting audits to ensure infrastructure is up to date
  • Kentico and Sitecore pre launch security audits
Contact WDM  now for your cyber security requirements or call us toll free on 1300 308 210


ACSC Security Manual

The purpose of the Information Security Manual (ISM) is to outline a cyber security framework that an organisation can apply, using their risk management framework, to protect their systems and data from cyber threats.

Intended audience

The ISM is intended for Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), Chief Information Officers, cyber security professionals and information technology managers. Authority The ISM represents the considered advice of the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) within the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD).

This advice is provided in accordance with ASD’s designated functions under section 7(1)(ca) of the Intelligence Services Act 2001. The ACSC also provides cyber security advice in the form of Australian Communications Security Instructions and other cyber security-related publications. In these cases, device and application-specific advice may take precedence over the advice in the ISM.

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